MORTAR – MORTAR is a 15-week course that helps both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs build a comprehensive business canvas and learn the nuances of business management, with access to new customers and opportunities for additional funding in addition to a mentorship network of business leaders, and The Iron Chest provides underwritten access to funding to help MORTAR grads pursue their dreams, having placed over $500,000 directly into the hands of MORTAR alumni entrepreneurs in the form of prize money, loans, and grants (including $10,000 in emergency COVID-19 grants)¹[1]. Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/12/2023 (1) MORTAR alu…. undefined.

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Throughout our 15-week course, MORTAR helps both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs build a comprehensive business canvas and learn the nuances of business management; The goal being to launch businesses that create jobs and circulate dollars locally.

We don’t stop when the program’s over, however! MORTAR alumni will have access to new customers and opportunities for additional funding in addition to a mentorship network of business leaders.

The Iron Chest provides underwritten access to funding to help MORTAR grads pursue their dreams. Since its inception, we have placed over $500,000 directly into the hands of our alumni entrepreneurs in the form of prize money, loans, and grants (including $10,000 in emergency COVID-19 grants).


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340 Reading Road Cincinnati, OH 45202
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MORTAR – MORTAR is a 15-week course that helps both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs build a comprehensive business canvas and learn the nuances of business management, with access to new customers and opportunities for additional funding in addition to a mentorship network of business leaders, and The Iron Chest provides underwritten access to funding to help MORTAR grads pursue their dreams, having placed over $500,000 directly into the hands of MORTAR alumni entrepreneurs in the form of prize money, loans, and grants (including $10,000 in emergency COVID-19 grants)¹[1]. Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/12/2023 (1) MORTAR alu…. undefined. 0 reviews

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