THE BLACK UPSTART – The Black upStart empowers aspiring Black entrepreneurs through an immersive and culturally relevant popup school, teaching crucial skills in thinking, building, planning, and testing, with a track record of training nearly 400+ Black entrepreneurs since 2016—many of whom have garnered investments, established retail locations, won pitch competitions, and gained recognition in media outlets such as Black Enterprise, the Washington Post, and ABC News.

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The Black upStart teaches aspiring Black entrepreneurs how to start a successful and profitable business through an intense, culturally-relevant popup school. 

 The Black upStart teaches aspiring Black entrepreneurs how to start a successful and profitable business through an intense, culturally-relevant popup school.  Our learning experience prepares Black innovators to compete by training them to:

  • THINK BLACK:  Learn how to brainstorm a profitable business idea

  • BUILD BLACK:  Learn how to build your first prototype

  • PLAN BLACK:  Learn how to craft a business model canvas

  • TEST BLACK: Learn how to validate your business idea

We trained nearly 400+ Black entrepreneurs​ since 2016, some of whom have received investments from venture capitalists, opened retail locations, won pitch competitions and have been featured in Black Enterprise, the Washington Post and ABC News


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THE BLACK UPSTART – The Black upStart empowers aspiring Black entrepreneurs through an immersive and culturally relevant popup school, teaching crucial skills in thinking, building, planning, and testing, with a track record of training nearly 400+ Black entrepreneurs since 2016—many of whom have garnered investments, established retail locations, won pitch competitions, and gained recognition in media outlets such as Black Enterprise, the Washington Post, and ABC News. 0 reviews

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