About Us
Origin Directory
Origin Directory is the most comprehensive black business building website. In addition to the database, Origin Directory offers networking, crowd funding, business venture connections and opportunities, as well as a classified section that allows you to post job opportunities, sell items or search through our list of recent openings. Its very simple to use and as easy as just setting up a free account. The primary mission behind Origin is to help black businesses grow and develop economically. Origin recognized that there were needs in our community that wasn’t being acknowledged by officials. Origin is setting out to trigger definite change and social consciousness in matters regarding the state of evolving black businesses.
Origin Directory’s will unify local and international businesses and be a medium for international trade and communication at the click of a mouse. You not making money at home? then make it abroad and then go visit your new contracts on your vacation. Join our network, and support the businesses and venture so by helping others you will also be helping yourself.
An emphasis on unity is at the core of Origin. Origin Directory believes that it is an imperative goal to aid one another in supporting a vision of social and economic evolution. Sign up for your free account today!
At Origin Directory your local business is automatically found according to your location. You can also search by category, state, zip code and business etc. The data can be automatically downloaded to your mobile device which will continue to operate event though you may have lost your internet connection. Our data is updated daily and the users have the option of writing both negative or positive reviews according to their experience. Posiitve reviews may increase your search ranking. Once listed your business will be found by our search engine and also that of other such popular search engines like google, bing etc, which therefore increases the exposure of your business, and all those listed, on the world wide web.
Track site activity, specifically the activity within your listing. Use our information to enhance your listing with us. Our system is built to support YOUR listing, and the metrics within our system are designed to “talk” to the local business.
Advertising & Promotion
Increase your exposure by purchasing a sponsored or featured business on the site an appear on a prominent potion ( header, footer or side banner). Increase your ranking with positive reviews and enjoy the buy now button which allows you the pleasure of a direct purchase of an item that is listed on your directory listing’s page. In selecting your own sub category, for example; Housing Lawyer or Jamaican Restaurant, this increases your visibility for those looking for that particular service.
Origin Directory Crowdfunding
Origin Directory Crowdfunding gives you the opportunity to create a project and have it funded through contributions. It is a new and exciting opportunity for individuals and prospective entrepreneurs and businesses to raise money for their new or existing ideas, business ventures or projects with no initial up front cost.
Just create or log into your account and promote your crowdfunding project by describing your venture. A Video may also be uploaded and any goals that are going to be achieved should be described also. Promote your project through friends, associates or social media in order to secure and obtain maximum funding for your venture. Remember through many small contributions you can achieve your goal. Your money will be released once your project has been completely funded and a small administrative fee will be applied. Please remember to read our terms and conditions for more details.
Origin Directory Classifieds
Posting a classified as online with Origin Directory is entirely FREE. It is a convenient way to reach thousands of potential candidates and customers. Origin makes posting a classified effortless.
Simply create an account, go to the select the correct category, Include a title for your ad, type relevant information then check out.
You can also partake and lobby for issues that affect your local area like schools , roads, etc and create your own forum to buy your groceries in bulk or carpool etc. Through our classifieds pages you can; post a job or service, search for a business opportunity, network with others with similar ideas and religious beliefs in our network forum and much more